Sunday, October 15, 2017

Dealing with Stinky Drains

Stinky Drains
We all want to live in a comfortable environment. As a homeowner, you want your time at home to be pleasant. Having said that, if you are dealing with bad smelling water and stinky drain, achieving that comfortable environment is near impossible.

If you are trying to figure out why your drains or water have started to smell, there are three main reasons. With the help of a professional plumbing contractor there issues can be taken care of quickly

1. Ventilation Issues

Issue: Homes these days tend to have ventilation systems in place to remove sewer gases. These systems are pretty straight forward. By allowing atmospheric pressure into the home they allow air and gas to escape into the outdoor environment.

One problem that these systems can become clogged over time. There are different reasons for this including:
  • An animal’s nest is blocking the exterior vent.
  • A large amount of snow has blocked the ventilation.
  • Debris or leaves are clogging up the vent.
Solution: If you have a simple clog, it can easily be removed if in a safe and accessible location. Otherwise, call your local plumbing expert.

They can work safely to remove the clog, without harming any animals or damaging your ventilation system.

2. Water Heater

Issue: Given the nature of their environment, smelly bacteria loves to find its way into water heaters.
You have probably smelled that tell tale “rotten egg” odor caused by large number of these bacteria interact with sulfur and metal components within a plumbing system. This smell can spread quickly throughout your home and pollute your water.

Solution: The best way to deal with this issue is a good water heater cleaning.  Use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which works to kill the bacteria within a water heater without damaging the water heater itself.

Luckily, hydrogen peroxide is also safe for the environment, as it breaks down into oxygen and water.
If you’re still finding a foul smell coming from your water heater, you might want to consider replacing your anode. The anode is a metal bar located in the water heater, and is commonly made from magnesium or aluminum.

These metals interact with the sulfur and bacteria, and add to the foul smell. Instead, install an anode made of both zinc and aluminum, as this will help to limit the number of bacteria present.

3. Dry P-Traps

Problem: The u-shaped part of a drain commonly found in post homes is called the p-trap. This trap contains water, forming a seal against the escape of sewer gases into a home.

Instead, the gas is directed to a ventilation system, leading it out of a home and into the outside environment.

P-traps can dry out, due to a variety of reasons:
  • If there is a leak in the p-trap.
  • If a blockage has caused the water to siphon out.
  • If the drain has not been used for an extended period.
Solution: To solve a dried-up p-trap problem in a pipe that has not been used as of late, simply run the tap for a few minutes.

This water flow will refill the p-trap and re-form the seal.

This eliminates the escape of sewer gas through the drain. However, if the smell is coming from a pipe that is often used, inspect the drain for more pressing issues.

Call Reed Plumbing immediately at (925) 371-5671, as these leaks and blockages can quickly create a larger, more critical plumbing issue.

Stinky Drains
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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Plumbing Tips for Homeowners

Most home repair is usually not welcomed by homeowners. After all, it means more money out of their own pockets. When it comes to plumbing, here are some helpful tips that homeowners can use to save money through the course of every season.

Toilet Clogs

Many times, toilet paper is actually the cause of a clogged toilet. This comes as no surprise being as though many brands are very durable. Other times, clogs are a result of things that were not meant to be flushed. Avoid using your toilet to dispose of any items that are intended to go in there and keep toilet paper to a minimum during each flush.

dishwasher energy efficiency, energy efficient dishwasher usage, hot water, doing dishesMake Dishwashers More Energy Efficient

One way to make your dishwasher more energy efficient is to let hot water run for a short while before starting your dishwasher. This will allow the wash cycle to start right away with hot water. Stay away from the heated dry setting and the delay cycle as both will use excess energy that is not necessary. Just make sure to use a dish towel instead of paper towels for drying to be green and retain those savings. Also, make sure to run the dishwasher only when it is fully loaded.

Hot Water Heater Checks

The life of a hot water heater is always threatened by contaminants as it is unavoidable. Sediment builds up over the course of time and eventually hot water heater repair is inevitable. But you can keep an eye out for rust as a quick accumulation of that means it’s probably time for replacement.

pet friendly plumbing, cute cat, pet, no flushing litter, do not flush kitty litter, plumbingPet Friendly Plumbing

If you are a pet owner, there are some helpful plumbing hints you can follow. Always keep toilet lids closed and do not flush kitty litter down the toilet if you own a cat. Dog owners should be aware of any holes dug in their yards and make sure they do not interfere with the sewer line. Some sewer lines are just a foot and a half beneath the ground and a rupture there could mean major problems.

Keep Clean Gutters

Some people may not think of gutters when it comes to plumbing, but clogged gutters prevent the flow of water off your home. In the winter months, water could freeze in your gutters and that can lead to a variety of problems that could include your plumbing.

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